Spread 8.0 Documentation
Example 1
Support Options

Glossary Item Box

Example 1

The following example uses a return value to specify whether rows, columns, or both, can be sized by the user.

WORD wReturnVal = 0;
wReturnVal = SSGetUserResize(hWnd);
if ((wReturnVal & SS_USERRESIZE_COL) && (wReturnVal & SS_USERRESIZE_ROW)
    // both columns and rows are resizable
else if (wReturnVal & SS_USERRESIZE_ROW)
    // row is resizable
else if (wReturnVal & SS_USERRESIZE_COL)
    // column is resizable

See Also

Preventing Resizing of Columns and Rows with the Mouse

SSGetUserResizeCol, SSGetUserResizeRow, SSSetUserResizeCol, SSSetUserResizeRow functions

ActiveX Correspondence

UserResize property

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