Spread 8.0 Documentation
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The following example defines custom names for a value, a cell, a range of cells, and an expression. The custom name "Alpha" is undefined, and the example returns the value assigned the name "Beta".

TCHAR szBetaValue[512];
// define constant
SSSetCustomName(hwndSS, "Alpha", "5");
// define cell
SSSetCustomName(hwndSS, "Cell", "B1");
// define cell range
SSSetCustomName(hwndSS, "Table", "A1:B1");
// define expression
SSSetCustomName(hwndSS, "Total", "sum(Table)");
// undefine name
SSSetCustomName(hwndSS, "Alpha", NULL);
// return value
SSGetCustomName(hwndSS, "Beta", szBetaValue, 25);

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