Spread 8.0 Documentation
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The following example creates a form with a sheet users can search. Users click the column or row to search, type a search string in the text box, and select search options. When users click the Search button, the sheet searches the specified column or row for the string. If found, the cell containing the string is moved into view in the upper-left corner of the sheet.


void CTestprojDlg::OnButton2()
    long ret;
    // Search column unless row is specified
    if (IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK3) == 0) {
        // Search for exact match unless partial match specified
        if (IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK4) == 0 )
            ret = m_Spread1.SearchCol(m_Spread1.GetActiveCol(), 0, -1, (LPCTSTR)m_SearchString, 0);
            ret = m_Spread1.SearchCol(m_Spread1.GetActiveCol(), 0, -1, (LPCTSTR)m_SearchString, 2);
        // Move cell with search text into upper left, if found
        if (ret != -1)
            m_Spread1.ShowCell(m_Spread1.GetActiveCol(), ret, 0);
    else {
        // Search row as specified, searching for exact match
        // unless partial match specified
        if (IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK4) == 0 )
            ret = m_Spread1.SearchRow(m_Spread1.GetActiveRow(), 0, -1, (LPCTSTR)m_SearchString, 0);
            ret = m_Spread1.SearchRow(m_Spread1.GetActiveRow(), 0, -1, (LPCTSTR)m_SearchString, 2);
        // Move cell with search text into upper left, if found
        if (ret != -1)
            m_Spread1.ShowCell(ret, m_Spread1.GetActiveRow(), 0);

Visual Basic

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Dim ret As Long
    ' Search column unless row is specified
    If Check1.Value = False Then
        ' Search for exact match unless partial match specified
        If Check2.Value = False Then
            ret = fpSpread1.SearchCol(fpSpread1.ActiveCol, 0, -1, Text1.Text, SearchFlagsNone)
            ret = fpSpread1.SearchCol(fpSpread1.ActiveCol, 0, -1, Text1.Text, SearchFlagsPartialMatch)
        End If
        ' Move cell with search text into upper left, if found
        If ret <> -1 Then
            fpSpread1.ShowCell fpSpread1.ActiveCol, ret, PositionUpperLeft
        End If
        ' Search row as specified, searching for exact match
        ' unless partial match specified
        If Check2.Value = False Then
            ret = fpSpread1.SearchRow(fpSpread1.ActiveRow, 0, -1, Text1.Text, SearchFlagsNone)
            ret = fpSpread1.SearchRow(fpSpread1.ActiveRow, 0, -1, Text1.Text, SearchFlagsPartialMatch)
        End If
        ' Move cell with search text into upper left, if found
        If ret <> -1 Then
            fpSpread1.ShowCell ret, fpSpread1.ActiveRow, PositionUpperLeft
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    ' Set up search input
    Frame1.Caption = "Search Setup"
    Text1.Text = ""
    Command1.Caption = "Search"
    Check1.Caption = "Search Row"
    Check2.Caption = "Partial Matches Allowed"
    Label1.Caption = "Click the column or row you want to search. Then type your search string in the text box. Choose an option, if you want, and then click Search."
End Sub

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