Spread 8.0 Documentation
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Glossary Item Box


The following example creates a workbook with three sheets. When the user changes the active sheet, the SheetChanged event occurs, and the old and new sheet indices are displayed.


#include "tchar.h"

BOOL CAboutDlg::OnInitDialog()
    // Set number of sheets

void CAboutDlg::OnSheetChangedFpSpread1(short OldSheet, short NewSheet)
    CString buffero;
    CString buffern;
    CString message;

    // Convert variables to show in message box
    buffero.Format(_T("%x"), OldSheet);
    buffern.Format(_T("%x"), NewSheet);
    message =_T("Old ") + buffero + _T(" New ") + buffern;
    ::MessageBox(NULL, (LPCTSTR)message, "message body", MB_OK);

Visual Basic

Private Sub Form_Load()
    ' Set number of sheets
    fpSpread1.SheetCount = 3
End Sub

Private Sub fpSpread1_SheetChanged(ByVal OldSheet As Integer, ByVal NewSheet As Integer)
    ' Show old and new sheet numbers in immediate window
    Debug.Print OldSheet, NewSheet
End Sub

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