Spread 8.0 Documentation
Resetting the Control to its Default Settings
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User's Guide > Setting Up the Control > Customizing the Control > Resetting the Control to its Default Settings

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Resetting the Control to its Default Settings


You can reset the control to its default settings. Resetting the control returns the control to its initial state (prior to any design-time or run-time changes), including deleting any sheets except Sheet 1. Resetting the control clears data, resets colors, and returns all cells to the default cell type (edit).

Note: If you are using the ActiveX control, the font is reset to 8 pt MS San Serif. If you are using the DLL control, the font is not reset.

You might want to reset the control when you let users choose the New choice from a File menu.

Caution: Resetting a control clears the data in the control, as well as the formatting. If you provide a way for users to reset their control, query them before resetting the control.

If you want to reset a specific sheet, and not the whole control, follow the instructions in Resetting a Sheet to its Default Settings.

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