Spread 8.0 Documentation
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Glossary Item Box


To create and set up a combo box cell

  1. If you want to use the default combo box, call the SSSetTypeComboBox function and set the parameters as follows:
    1. If you want the combo box to act as a drop-down combo box, set the lStyle parameter to SS_CB_DROPDOWN.
    2. Provide list items for the combo box by providing a string of tab-delimited items using the lpItems parameter.
    3. Use the lStyle parameter to specify the text alignment.
  2. If you want to customize the combo box, call the SSSetTypeComboBoxEx function and set the parameters as follows:
    1. If you want to allow users to type one or more characters to search for an item in the list,
      1. Make sure the lStyle parameter is not set to SS_CB_DROPDOWN.
      2. Set the bAutoSearch parameter to a value other than SS_COMBO_AUTOSEARCH_NONE.
    2. If you want the combo box to act as a drop-down combo box, set the lStyle parameter to SS_CB_DROPDOWN.
    3. Provide list items for the combo box by providing a string of tab-delimited items using the lpItems parameter.
    4. If you want to change the number of rows in the drop-down list, set the dMaxRows parameter.
    5. If you want to specify the maximum number of characters that are displayed in the edit field, set the dMaxEditLen parameter.
    6. Use the lStyle parameter to specify the text alignment.
    7. If you want to specify the width of the combo box, set the dComboWidth parameter.
      For more information about how to set this parameter, see Specifying the Width and Alignment of the Combo Box Drop-Down List.
  3. Call the SSSetCellType or SSSetCellTypeRange function and set the CellType parameter to SS_TYPE_COMBOBOX.
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