Spread 8.0 Documentation
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To format a time cell

  1. Call the SSSetTypeTime function and set the parameters as follows:
    1. Set the Style parameter to TS_12HOUR or TS_24HOUR to specify whether the cell displays time in the 12- or 24-hour time format.
    2. Set the Style parameter to TS_SECONDS to display seconds in the time value.
    3. Set the Style parameter to TS_SPIN to display a spin button in the cell.
    4. Set the Style parameter to specify the text alignment.
    You can also use the lpFormat parameter to point to the SS_TIMEFORMAT structure. Set the fields for the SS_TIMEFORMAT structure as follows:

    To specify this format characteristic . . . Use this field . . .
    Separator character cSeparator
    Displays spin button bSpin
    Displays seconds bSeconds
    Time format b24Hour

  2. Call the SSSetCellType or SSSetCellTypeRange function and set the CellType parameter to SS_TYPE_TIME.
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