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Operators in a Formula
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Operators in a Formula

The following table lists the available operators.

Operator Description Literal / Literal Cell Ref / Literal Cell Ref /
Cell Ref
+ Addition 2 + 2 A1 + 2 A1 + B2
Subtraction 4 – 2 A1 – 2 A1 – B2
^ Exponentiation 2 ^ 2 A1 ^ 2 A1 ^ B2
* Multiplication 2 * 2 A1 * 2 A1 * B2
/ Division 2 / 2 A1 / 2 A1 / B2
& Logical And 2 & 2 A1 & 2 A1 & B2
| Logical Or 2 | 2 A1 | 2 A1 | B2
: Creates a range A1: B2
# Wild card A# * 2 A# * B#

Note: The wild card operator (#) is available only when the reference style is SS_REFSTYLE_DEFAULT. For more information, see "Specifying Cell References" in Chapter 7, "Working with Data," in the User's Guide.

Because more than one operator may be used in a formula, so be sure you understand the Order of Precedence.

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