Spread 8.0 Documentation
Resultant Errors Values
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Resultant Errors Values

If a user enters a formula or a formula is added through code, and the cell, column, or row reference in the formula is to a cell, column, or row that is later moved or deleted, the formula changes to use an error code to represent the portion of the formula that is no longer valid. For example, if the user enters a formula such as "A1+B1" and column B is deleted, the formula now will be "A1+#REF!" to indicate that the second part of the formula is now an error.

Other errors can be used in formulas, as explained in the following table. Except for the #REF! error, these errors do not appear in the formulas in Spread unless they are typed as part of the formula. If you then export the spreadsheet to Excel, these typed errors are exported. Also, if you import an Excel file with formulas that contain these errors, then these errors are imported. Once imported, the cell in Spread does not display the error; it is only in visible in the formula.

Error Description
#DIV/0! Division by zero
#N/A Not available
No value is available for this reference.
#NAME? Unrecognized text
The text in the formula does not represent a known custom function or custom name.
#NULL! Values do not intersect
The specified range or set of values do not intersect to provide a meaningful value.
#NUM! Number is not valid
The number provided for a formula is not valid.
#REF! Reference is no longer valid
The cell, column, or row reference has changed, because a column or row has been deleted or moved.
#VALUE! Incorrect value provided
The wrong type of argument or operand has been used in the formula.

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