Spread 8.0 Documentation
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Formula Reference > Built-In Functions > URL

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Creates a hypertext link in an exported HTML file.


URL(value1, value2)


Use the value1 argument to use the specified value as a URL address in a hypertext link in the exported HTML table.

If you specify the address without a transport protocol (http://, ftp://, news://, and so on), Spread adds a default protocol of http:// when it exports the spreadsheet. For example, if value1 is www.fpoint.com, the address is exported as http://www.fpoint.com. The browser displays www.fpoint.com. For best results, use a complete URL address.

Use the optional value2 argument if you want to display the link as a descriptive name. For example, if value1 is http://www.fpoint.com and value2 is FarPoint, the browser will display the link as FarPoint.

Note: Remember that the exported file will display links in color, as determined by your HTML file's color settings and style settings, if any. Default HTML links appear in blue. If you have set your Spread control's background color to blue, or another color that matches the color of links displayed in HTML, your links may not be visible.

Data Type

Accepts string data for all arguments. Returns string data. For more information, see Data Type for Each Cell Type.


fpSpread1.Formula = "URL(A1,A2)"
fpSpread1.Formula = "URL(""http://www.fpoint.com"",""FarPoint"")"

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