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Formula Reference > Built-In Functions > RANK

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Ranks values


Returns the rank of a number in a set of numbers. If you were to sort the set, the rank of the number would be its position in the list.


RANK(Number, Ref, Order)


Arguments are as follows:

Argument Description
Number Number whose rank you want to return
Ref Reference to the set of numbers
Order (Optional) How to rank the number
If omitted, the function ranks the number as if the set of numbers was sorted in descending order.
Set Order to To rank as if numbers are sorted
0 In descending order
Nonzero In ascending order

The RANK function gives duplicate numbers the same rank. The presence of duplicate numbers affects the ranks of subsequent numbers. For example, in a list of integers, if the number 12 appears twice and has a rank of 4, then 13 would have a rank of 6 (no number would have a rank of 5).

See also MEDIAN and MODE.

Data Type

Accepts numeric data for the Number argument, a reference for the Ref argument, and numeric data for the Order argument. Returns string data. For more information, see Data Type for Each Cell Type.



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