GrapeCity MultiRow Windows Forms Documentation
CellClick Event

Occurs when any part of a cell is clicked.
<SRDescriptionAttribute("Occurs when any part of the cell is clicked.")>
Public Event CellClick As EventHandler(Of CellEventArgs)
Dim instance As GcMultiRow
Dim handler As EventHandler(Of CellEventArgs)
AddHandler instance.CellClick, handler
[SRDescription("Occurs when any part of the cell is clicked.")]
public event EventHandler<CellEventArgs> CellClick
Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type CellEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following CellEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

CellIndexGets the cell index in its parent Section.  
CellNameGets the cell name.  
RowIndexGets the index of the owner Row that the event occurs for.  
ScopeGets the area of the cell that the event occurs for.  
SectionIndexGets the index of the owner Section that the event occurs for.  

This event occurs when any part of a cell is clicked, including borders and padding. It also occurs when the user presses and releases the Space key while a button cell or check box cell has focus, and will occur twice for these cell types if the cell is clicked while pressing the Space key.

To determine when the cell contents are clicked, handle the CellContentClick event.

This event does not receive information about the mouse position. If the event handler needs information about the mouse position, use the CellMouseClick event.

This event occurs before the check box value changes when clicking in a CheckBoxCell, so if you do not want to calculate the expected value based on the current value, handle the CellValueChanged event instead. Since that event only occurs when the user-specified value is committed, which typically occurs when focus leaves the cell, you must also handle the CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged event. In that handler, if the current cell is a check box cell, call the CommitEdit(DataErrorContexts) method and pass in the DataErrorContexts.Commit value.


Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also


GcMultiRow Class
GcMultiRow Members



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