Documents for PDF, .NET Edition Documentation
Load(Stream,Boolean) Method

GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf Assembly > GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf.Text.CMap Namespace > CMap Class > Load Method : Load(Stream,Boolean) Method
The stream containing the CMap definition.
Indicates whether the stream content is compressed and System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream should be used to decompress.
Loads a CMap from a specified stream.

See the PDF spec for the description of the CMap format.

If compressed is true then the content of the stream will be decompressed using System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.

This method will throw an exception if the stream content has unknown or unsupported format.

Public Overloads Shared Function Load( _
   ByVal stream As System.IO.Stream, _
   Optional ByVal compressed As System.Boolean _
) As CMap
public static CMap Load( 
   System.IO.Stream stream,
   System.bool compressed


The stream containing the CMap definition.
Indicates whether the stream content is compressed and System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream should be used to decompress.

Return Value

The created CMap object.
See Also


CMap Class
CMap Members
Overload List