Documents for PDF, .NET Edition Documentation
GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
GrapeCity.Documents.Common Assembly : GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing Namespace
ClassAbstract base class for brushes.
ClassRepresents a transition point in a gradient.
ClassRepresents a rectangular brush with a hatch style, a foreground color, and a background color.
ClassRepresents a linear gradient brush.
ClassRepresents an object used to draw lines and curves.
ClassRepresents a radial gradient brush.
ClassRepresents a solid color brush.
EnumerationSpecifies the style of dashed lines drawn with a Pen object.
EnumerationEnumerates the different patterns available for HatchBrush objects.
EnumerationDescribes the shape at the end of a line or segment.
EnumerationDescribes the shape that joins two lines or segments.
See Also


GrapeCity.Documents.Common Assembly