ComponentOne WebChart 8.0 for ActiveX
Using the Design-Time Control

For normal use of the design-time control, make sure Microsoft Visual InterDev is set to view controls graphically. Select View Controls Graphically from the View menu dropdown.

Note: There must be an ASP page open before this portion of the View menu will appear.

You will be able to see and manipulate the chart component in either the Design or Source mode, which can be accessed via the Design or Source tabs at the bottom of the ASP page. (A third tab, Quick View, also appears, but because Quick View does not run server script, the WebChart control cannot be seen or manipulated in Quick View.)

Setting most of the WebChart's properties can be done using the property pages, which can be accessed in one of the following two ways:

Within Microsoft Visual InterDev you can choose ShowRunTimeText to see a read-only block of script that is used to set the chart's properties. Note that even a default chart will have some code because it is always necessary to generate script for the font information. Additional script code is generated for any changes made via the property pages. Note, that while this generated script shows one way of setting and changing properties, it is not necessarily the best way to write your own script. Refer to the ComponentOne Chart manuals and online documentation for examples of how to directly program properties and features.

The script code is generated in VBScript or JavaScript, depending on how the switch on the design-time control property page is set. If you change the Language setting, it may be necessary to close and re-open the ASP page before the change becomes visible via ShowRunTimeText

To view the actual OBJECT tag for the chart component, you can toggle AlwaysViewAsText. You may want to do this to change the ID of the control manually, although this will not normally be necessary.

Note: As long as the design-time control is in this mode, the chart component's property pages will not be accessible.

Changes to the component's ID may not become visible in the generated script until you close and re-open the ASP page.

You can choose ConvertToRunTimeText to remove the design-time control and replace it with script code that you can edit directly. Note that converting to run-time text is a one- time, one-way operation. You cannot undo the conversion, returning to the design time control. You should make this conversion only if you are comfortable directly scripting the control. If you only want to look at the script code, choose ShowRunTimeText instead.

Demos: The WebChart demos Box-and-Whisker, Floating Stacked Bars, High-Low-Open-Close and Candle, Pie Chart, Polar Chart, Recordset (ADO) and Stocks (2D), and DistributionRanges (3D) provide more detailed examples of coding directly to an instance of the chart created using the design-time control.



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