ComponentOne VSView 8.0
Error Event

Fired when an error is detected (a code is returned in the Error property).


Private Sub VSPrinter_Error()


This event is fired when the VSPrinter control detects a non-fatal error. The error code may be retrieved by reading the Error property. For a list of non-fatal errors, see the Error property.

This event is not fired when a fatal error occurs. To trap fatal errors, use the standard Visual Basic error handling mechanisms (On Error, and so on). Fatal errors include assigning an invalid value to a property, using invalid indices, running out of memory, or trying to open a file that doesn't exist.

You may use the ErrorDescription property to retrieve a description of an error based on it's code. For example:

Private Sub vp_Error()

    Debug.Print vp.ErrorDescription(vp.Error)

End Sub



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