ComponentOne VSView 8.0
Data-based Tables

This example shows how you can create tables that show data from a database. The user can pick from several recordsets and the VSPrinter control is used to create a simple report that shows the data.

To create the DataTable example, start by adding the following controls to a new VB form:

Add the following code to initialize the form and controls:

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Private Sub Form_Load()


  ' initialize Data1 control

  ' (change the path so it points to the NWind.mdb file)

  Data1.DatabaseName = "D:\VB98\Nwind.mdb"


  ' initialize recordset list

  cmbSrc.AddItem "Employees: SELECT FirstName As First, " & _

                 "LastName As Last, Title FROM Employees"

  cmbSrc.AddItem "Customers: SELECT Country,City,CompanyName AS Company," & _

                 "ContactName As Contact, Phone FROM Customers " & _

                 "ORDER BY Country, City"

  cmbSrc.AddItem "Customers: SELECT CompanyName AS Company, " & _

                 "ContactName As Contact, Phone FROM Customers " & _

                 "ORDER BY CompanyName

  cmbSrc.AddItem "Inventory: SELECT ProductName AS Product,UnitPrice AS Unit," & _

                 "UnitsInStock AS Stock,UnitPrice*UnitsInStock AS Inventory " & _

                 "FROM Products ORDER BY (UnitPrice * UnitsInStock) DESC"

  cmbSrc.AddItem "Invoices:  SELECT OrderID, ShipName AS Customer, " & _

                 "ShipCity AS City, " & _

                 "OrderDate AS Ordered, ExtendedPrice AS Total FROM Invoices " & _

                 "ORDER BY ExtendedPrice DESC"


  ' start with the first item

  cmbSrc.ListIndex = 0


End Sub

Now that the controls are initialized, add the following code to generate a document whenever the user selects a new record source:

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Private Sub cmbSrc_Click()


  ' get record source string (trim comments up to ":")

  Dim s$, i%

  s = cmbSrc

  i = InStr(s, ":")

  If i > 0 Then s = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1))


  ' get recordset

  Data1.RecordSource = s


  Dim rs As Recordset

  Set rs = Data1.Recordset


  ' create document

  With vp


    ' set up

    .Header = "||Page %d"

    .FontName = "Arial"

    .FontSize = 10



    ' show title

    .Paragraph = "NorthWind Recordset. Query is:"

    .FontBold = True

    .Paragraph = s

    .FontBold = False

    .Paragraph = ""


    ' render recordset (main routine)

    RenderRecordset vp, rs, 0


    ' done


  End With


End Sub

Now we are almost done. The only thing missing is the main routine, the one that renders the recordset. The following RenderRecordset routine is simple and generic. It takes as parameters a VSPrinter control, a Recordset object (DAO or ADO), and a maximum height for the table rows. The routine reads the recordset into an array using the GetRows method, creates a table using the AddTableArray method, and sets column widths and alignment using the TableCell property:

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Sub RenderRecordset(vp As VSPrinter, rs As Recordset, maxh As Single)

  Dim arr, i%, j%, wid!, fmt$, hdr$


  ' read recordset into an array



  i = rs.RecordCount

  If i = 0 Then Exit Sub

  arr = rs.GetRows(i)


  ' create table header and dummy format

  For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1

    If i > 0 Then hdr = hdr & "|": fmt = fmt & "|"

    hdr = hdr & rs.Fields(i).Name

    fmt = fmt & "500"



  ' create table


  vp.AddTableArray fmt, hdr, arr


  ' format table

  For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1


    ' right-align numbers and dates

    Select Case rs.Fields(i).Type

      Case dbBigInt, dbByte, dbChar, dbCurrency, dbDecimal, dbDouble, _

           dbFloat, dbInteger, dbLong, dbNumeric, dbSingle, dbDate

      vp.TableCell(tcColAlign, , i + 1) = taRightTop

    End Select


    ' set column width

    If rs.Fields(i).Type = dbMemo Then

      vp.TableCell(tcColWidth, , i + 1) = "2.5in"



      ' select longest string from 1st 100 records

      fmt = ""

      For j = 0 To UBound(arr, 2)

        If j > 100 Then Exit For

        If Len(fmt) < Len(arr(i, j)) Then fmt = arr(i, j)


      If Len(rs.Fields(i).Name) > Len(fmt) Then fmt = rs.Fields(i).Name


      ' set column width so the longest string fits

      vp.TableCell(tcColWidth, , i + 1) = vp.TextWidth(fmt) * 1.4



    ' format header row (0)

    vp.TableCell(tcFontBold, 0) = True

    vp.TableCell(tcBackColor, 0) = vbYellow

    vp.TableCell(tcRowHeight, 0) = vp.TextHeight("Test") * 1.1

    vp.TableCell(tcAlign, 0) = taLeftMiddle


    ' make sure it all fits, squeeze columns if necessary

    For i = 1 To vp.TableCell(tcCols)

        wid = wid + vp.TableCell(tcColWidth, , i)



    If wid > vp.X2 - vp.X1 Then

        wid = (vp.X2 - vp.X1) / wid * 0.95

        For i = 1 To vp.TableCell(tcCols)

            vp.TableCell(tcColWidth, , i) = wid * _

                         vp.TableCell(tcColWidth, , i)


    End If


    ' honor maximum row height

    ' (in case there are long memo entries)

    If maxh > 0 Then

        For i = 1 To vp.TableCell(tcRows)

            If vp.TableCell(tcRowHeight, i) > maxh Then

                vp.TableCell(tcRowHeight, i) = maxh

            End If


    End If


    ' done with table



End Sub

That's it. Run the sample and you should something that looks like the following image:

Note: If the table is too wide to fit the page, the RenderRecordset routine squeezes all columns proportionally until the table fits. This is a very simple approach, but it is not very good. It would be better to try squeezing only text and memo fields, since text can be wrapped and numbers cannot. This is left as an exercise.



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