ComponentOne VSView 8.0
ClientToPage Method (VSDraw)

Converts mouse coordinates to page coordinates.


[form!]VSDraw.ClientToPage X As Single, Y As Single


Use the ClientToPage method to convert screen coordinates (expressed in twips) to drawing coordinates (defined by the control's ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, ScaleLeft, and ScaleHeight properties).

Note that the parameters used in mouse events (MouseDown, MouseMove, and MouseUp) are in page coordinates, so this conversion is not necessary when handling these events.

The code below illustrates this method:

' set default scaling values

vd.ScaleWidth = 1000

vd.ScaleHeight = 1000

vd.ScaleLeft = 1000

vd.ScaleTop = 0

' set x,y properties to half of the control

x = vd.Width / 2

y = vd.Height / 2

' convert to scale units

vd.ClientToPage x, y

' half of the control is 1000/2, 1000/2

Debug.Print x y

500 500



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