ComponentOne List 8.0 for ActiveX
UpperBound Property (XArrayDB)


XArrayDB Reference> XArrayDB Object Properties> UpperBound Property (XArrayDB)

UpperBound Property (XArrayDB)

This property returns a long integer that specifies the upper bound index for a given dimension of an XArrayDB object.


XArrayDB.UpperBound (nDim)


nDim is a one-based integer specifying an array dimension.


Read-only at run time. Not available at design time.

Property applies to XArrayDB object.

The nDim argument should be 1 for rows and 2 for columns. A trappable error occurs if an invalid dimension is specified.


The following example uses one-based row indexes (the first dimension) and zero-based column indexes (the second dimension):

MyArray.ReDim 1, 100, 0, 5

Dim N As Long

N = MyArray.UpperBound(1) ' returns 100

N = MyArray.UpperBound(2) ' returns 5

See Also

XArrayDB Object



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