ComponentOne List 8.0 for ActiveX
Tutorial 17 - Sorting and Searching

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the sorting and searching features of the XArrayDB object. The QuickSort method sorts a range of rows in an XArrayDB object according to one or more columns (up to ten). The Find method searches for a specified value within a column of an XArrayDB object, starting at a particular row

  1. Start a new project.

  2. Add the following controls on the form (Form1) as shown in the following figure: two text box controls (Text1 and Text2), a command button (Command1), two labels (Label1 and Label2), and a TDBList control (TDBList1).

    Initializing the array data

    Next, initialize the XArrayDB object so that it contains 100 rows and 4 columns of random integers.

  3. Place the following code in the Form_Load (Visual Basic) event:

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    Private Sub Form_Load()
    ' Allocate space for 100 rows, 4 columns
        x.ReDim 0, 99, 0, 3
        Dim row As Long, col As Integer
    ' The LowerBound and UpperBound properties correspond
    ' to the LBound and UBound functions in Visual Basic.
    ' Hard-coded dimensions can be used instead, if known.
        For row = x.LowerBound(1) To x.UpperBound(1)
            For col = x.LowerBound(2) To x.UpperBound(2)
                x(row, col) = CInt(99 * Rnd + 1)
            Next col
        Next row
    ' Bind True DBList Control to this XArrayDB instance
        Set TDBList1.Array = x
    ' Enable footers
        TDBList1.ColumnFooters = True
    ' Display headers and footers as buttons
        Dim obcol As TrueDBList80.Column
        For Each obcol In TDBList1.Columns
            obcol.ButtonFooter = True
            obcol.ButtonHeader = True
        Next obcol
    End Sub
  4. Add the following code to Command1:

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    Private Sub Command1_Click()
        Dim RowFound As Long
    ' Execute Find
        RowFound = x.Find(x.LowerBound(1), CInt(Text2.Text), _
                     CInt(Text1.Text), _
    ' Successful Find will return a row number
    ' Set focus to the row
        If RowFound >= 0 Then TDBList1.Bookmark = RowFound
    End Sub
  5. Add the following code to the HeadClick and FootClick events:

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    Private Sub TDBList1_HeadClick(ByVal ColIndex As Integer)
    ' Ascending sort
        x.QuickSort x.LowerBound(1), x.UpperBound(1), ColIndex, _
    End Sub
    Private Sub TDBList1_FootClick(ByVal ColIndex As Integer)
    ' Descending sort
        x.QuickSort x.LowerBound(1), x.UpperBound(1), ColIndex, _
    End Sub

Run the program and observe the following:

This concludes Tutorial 17.



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