ComponentOne List 8.0 for ActiveX
FetchRowStyle Property (TDBCombo)


TDBCombo Reference> TDBCombo Control Properties> FetchRowStyle Property (TDBCombo)

FetchRowStyle Property (TDBCombo)

If True, the FetchRowStyle event will be fired whenever the control is about to display a row of data.


object.FetchRowStyle = boolean


Read/Write at run time and design time.

Property applies to TDBList and TDBCombo controls, Split object.

If False (the default), the FetchRowStyle event is not fired.

Set this value to True when you need to perform complex per-row formatting operations that can only be done using the FetchRowStyle event. For example, if you want to apply fonts and/or colors to all rows that satisfy certain criteria, then you need to set the FetchRowStyle property to True and write code for the FetchRowStyle event.

Note: To display every other row in a different color or font, you can simply set the AlternatingRowStyle property to True.

See Also

TDBList and TDBCombo Controls

Split Object, Splits Collection



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