ComponentOne List 8.0 for ActiveX
ComboStyle Property


ComboStyle Property




Read-only at run time. Read/Write at design time.

Property applies to TDBCombo control.


Design Time

Run Time

0 - Dropdown Combo (default)


1 - Simple Combo


2 - Dropdown List


The ComboStyle property returns a value indicating the display type and behavior of the control.

When set to 0 - Dropdown Combo, the control includes a text box and a drop-down list.  The user can select from the list or type in the text box.

When set to 1 - Simple Combo, the control includes a text box and a list which is always displayed.  The user can select from the list or type in the text box.  The size of a simple combo box includes both the text and list portions.  By default, a simple combo box is sized so that none of the list is displayed.  To display more of the list, resize the control at design time or increase its Height (Visual Basic)property at run time.

When set to 2 - Dropdown List, the control includes a text box and a drop-down list as in setting 0 - Dropdown Combo.  However, this style disallows text entry and permits selection only from the drop-down list.

See Also

TDBList and TDBCombo Controls



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