ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
TitleFormat Property (TDBCalendar)

The TitleFormat property defines the format of how the year and months will be displayed on the title header.


object.TitleFormat= string

Read/Write at run time and design time.


"mmmm yyy" is the default.


The following keywords are supported in this property; all other characters are treated as literals:



Display the year as a number without a leading zero (0 - 99).


Display the year as a 2-digit number (00 - 99).


Display the year as a number without a leading zero (100 - 9999).


Display the year as a 4-digit number (0100 - 9999).


Display the month as a number without a leading zero (1 - 12).


Display the month as a number with a leading zero (01 - 12).


Display the month as an abbreviation (Jan - Dec).


Display the month as a full month name (January - December).


Display the month as an abbreviation in upper case (JAN - DEC).


Display the month as a full month name in upper case (JANUARY - DECEMBER).


Display the era name in alphabet (M, T, S, H).


Display the first character (DBCS) era.


Display the full (DBCS) era.


Display the nengo year as a single digit number when.


Display the nengo year as a 2 digit number.

When keywords need to be used as literals, place a backslash ("\") before the keyword. This will differentiate a keyword from a literal. Also, since the calendar control will not used the 'd' keyword, it will be treated as a literal.

Navigation or scrolling in the drop-down Calendar is limited only in the range of MinDate and MaxDate values of the TDBDate control. However, if the range happens to start or end in the middle of a month, the dates out of the range will be treated as equivalent to the trailing days, and you will not be able to move the focus (change the value) upon these days.

If the value passed from the TDBDate control to the drop-down calendar does not fall in the range of the MaxDate and MinDate values, the close date, either the MaxDate or the MinDate date, will be activated (focus rectangle located). If a Null or an invalid value is passed in, the current system date will be activated. However if the current date is out of the limited range, then either the MaxDate or the MinDate date will be applied, just as the first case above.

Concerning the style and alignment to use for the title header, please refer to the TitleStyleSet property for details.

When the YearType property is set to 1-Fiscal Year, year 99 will be displayed on the title bar for the previous fiscal year when scrolling beyond year 100. Also M. 00 will be displayed when setting the FirstMonth property to 10 - October, 11-November or 12 - December with the TitleFormat set to an Era format.

If the TitleFormat property is set to an Era format, navigating beyond the Era range (1868/9 - 2087/12) will cause the title format to display using the yyy keywords instead of the ggg (g, gg) and ee (e). To limit from scrolling or navigating, please set the MaxDate and the MinDate properties.

Navigation and scrolling are limited only in the range of MinDate and MaxDate values. However, if the range happens to start or end in the middle of a month or year, the dates out of range will be treated equivalent as the trailing days. Also users will not be able to move the focus (change the value) upon these days.



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