ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
TDBCalendar Selections Collection Properties and Methods

The TDBCalendar control's Selections collection is made up of multiple dates selected in the calendar control. The dates are added to the Selections collection and automatically sorted in ascending order.

Use the Add method to add dates to the Selections collection. Once a date is appended to the Selections collection, it appears selected in the calendar control.

To remove a date from the Selections collection, use the Remove method. Once a date is removed from the Selections collection, it no longer appears as selected in the calendar control.

The Selections collection supports the Add and Remove methods as well as the Count property. Using these methods and properties, you can manipulate the list of selected items in the calendar control. For example, you can programmatically select additional dates by using the Add method, or determine the total number of selected items using the Count property.

The Selections collection properties and methods are documented in the following reference sections:

SelectionsCollection Properties

SelectionsCollection Methods



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