ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
TaxType Property (TDBFinancialX)


Reference> TDBFinancialX Object> TDBFinancialX Object Properties> TaxType Property (TDBFinancialX)

TaxType Property (TDBFinancialX)

The TaxType property determines whether the Value property - the underlying value represents the desired total after the tax is calculated thus yielding the pre-tax total, or it represents the pre-tax amount yielding an after tax total, when invoking the TaxCalc method.


object.TaxType= value

Read/Write at run time. Not available at design time.



Run Time

0 - The Value property represents an after tax total.


1 - The Value property represents a pre-tax total. (Default)



The TaxType property determines whether the Value property - the underlying value represents the desired total after the tax is calculated thus yielding the pre-tax total, or it represents the pre-tax amount yielding an after tax total, when invoking the TaxCalc method. The results can be retrieved from the Price, Tax and the Total properties.

If set to 0-Pretax, the Price property is calculated as (Value / (1 + (TaxRate / 100))), the Tax property is calculated as (Value - Price), and the Total property will return the Value property.

Note that when the RateType property is set to 0-Normal, the percentage calculation will be omitted.

The rounding will be processed with the final results after all calculations are done.

See Also

Value Property (TDBFinancialX)

Price Property (TDBFinancialX)

Tax Property (TDBFinancialX)

Total Property (TDBFinancialX)

RateType Property (TDBFinancialX)

TaxRate Property (TDBFinancialX)

RoundDigit Property (TDBFinancialX)

RoundType Property (TDBFinancialX)

TaxCalc Method (TDBFinancialX)



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