ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
TaxRate Property (TDBFinancialX)


Reference> TDBFinancialX Object> TDBFinancialX Object Properties> TaxRate Property (TDBFinancialX)

TaxRate Property (TDBFinancialX)

The TaxRate property is a double in the range 0 to 1000 which determines the tax rate used in the calculation.


object.TaxRate= double

Read/Write at run time. Not available at design time.


0-1000 (0 is the default)


The tax rate specified in this property is dependent to the RateType property which determines whether the calculation is performed in percentage or not. If TaxRate is set to 0, the Tax property will also return 0.

If the RateType is set to 0-Normal when calculating a pre-tax total, setting the TaxRate property larger or equal to 1 will cause the TaxCalc method to fail.

If the RateType is set to 0-Percentage when calculating a pre-tax total, setting the TaxRate property larger or equal to 100 will also cause the TaxCalc method to fail.

See Also

Value Property (TDBFinancialX)

Price Property (TDBFinancialX)

Tax Property (TDBFinancialX)

Total Property (TDBFinancialX)

TaxType Property (TDBFinancialX)

RateType Property (TDBFinancialX)

TaxCalc Method (TDBFinancialX)



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