ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
StartOfMonth Property (TDBCalendar)

The StartOfMonth property takes effect only when there are 12 months displayed within the current view.  This is very useful for creating special year views such as fiscal years.


TDBCalendar.StartOfMonth= value

Read/Write at run time and design time.


Design Time

Run Time

0 - Default (Default)


1 - January


2 - February


3 - March


4 - April


5 - May


6 - June


7 - July


8 - August


9 - September


10 - October


11 - November


12 - December



If set to 0-Default the month specified with the Value property will be displayed in the upper left position only if the value does not contain within the current view area. Setting this option will behave just like when displaying less than 12 months. Clicking on the month scroll bar buttons will scroll the calendar by the amount specified with the ScrollRate property. Moving off the last month using the keyboard or dragging the mouse will always cause the scrolling of the view.

However, if set to 1-January through 12-December, the specified month will be displayed on the upper left position. Clicking on the month scroll bar buttons or dragging with the mouse will always scroll a year at a time regardless to the ScrollRate setting. Also navigating off the last month will cause the focus to move back to the upper left month. Note that the first month displayed in the view will not change in any case.

With a fixed starting month, when reaching the maximum or the minimum year, the months out of the appropriate range will be treated equivalent as the trailing days. Users will not be able to move the focus (change the value) upon these days.

When the StartOfMonth property is set to 0-Default, changing the Value property will cause the new month to display on the upper left position only if the new value does not contain in the current view. However, if the value already exist within the current view, the upper left month will not be changed and the specified date will be selected.



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