ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
ShowMenu Property (TDBCalendar)

Using the mouse and selecting an item is equivalent to setting a style using the UseStyles property.


TDBCalendar.ShowMenu= boolean

Read/Write at run time and design time.


True - Show popup menu of holiday styles (right click) (Default)

False – Do not show the popup the menu with holiday styles


When the ShowMenu property is set to True, and the mouse is right clicked on the control, a popup menu will be displayed, showing all the holiday styles that are currently registered in the HolidayStyles collection. A holiday style can easily be selected from the menu. A check mark indicator used to determine whether a holiday style is selected or not.

When a holiday style is selected using the popup menu, selection changes will be automatically reflected to the UseStyles property.

All the holiday styles that are currently registered in the HolidayStyles collection will appear in the popup menu with the description defined with the Name property. If the Name property is set to a zero-length string, the description specified with the Key:controls property will be displayed instead.

The popup menu will not appear if no HolidayStyles are registered.



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