ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
SelText Property (TDBText)


Reference> TDBText Control> TDBText Control Properties> SelText Property (TDBText)

SelText Property (TDBText)

Sets/returns the string containing the currently selected text; consists of a zero-length string ("") if no characters are selected. The SelText property does not behave like the standard SelText property for the Text Box control.


control.SelText= string

Read/Write at run time. Not available at design time.


The SelText property returns a text string; depending on the value of the ClipMode property, not all the characters in the selected text are returned. If ClipMode is set to 1-Exclude Literals, literal characters do not appear in the returned string.

This property can be determined by the text selection using the SelStart and the SelLength properties, or when selecting text using the mouse or the keyboard. If you set the SelText to a new value, the SelLength will be set to 0 and the selected text will be replaced with the new string.

The current text selection will be applied to the drop-down edit window when dropping the window down. If change the selection within the edit window, the new settings will be set back to the control upon closing the edit window.

See Also

SelStart Property (TDBText)

SelLength Property (TDBText)



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