ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
SelectStyle Property (TDBCalendar)

The control provides several indicators, such as a flat button, or a square box, to show the current location in the calendar. When dates are selected, the color attributes set by the SelAttribute property will be used.


object.SelectStyle= value

Read/Write at run time and design time.


Design Time

Run Time

0 - Normal (Default)


1 - Box


2 - 3D (Reverse)


3 - Flat Button



When the day buttons are displayed in 3D, the 3D effect should be applied using the attribute settings specified in the SelAttribute property.

When SelectStyle is set to 0- Normal (most likely the style that would be used), a focus rectangle will be drawn on the inner side of the selected day.

When SelectStyle is set to 1- Box, a box (black on the outer, and white in the inner) will be drawn around the edge of the day that holds the focus. The box will actually be drawn into the buttons around the day with the focus.

When SelectStyle is set to 2- 3D (Reverse), the selector will appear in 3D when the day area is flat, or appear as reverse of the day button 3D effect. In other words, the control checks to see if the style set used by the day button is flat, if it is a 3D selector is shown. If the day button had an inset 3D effect, the selector will appear as raised. The day button style set is set using the DayStyleSet property.

When SelectStyle is set to 3- Flat button the selector will appear in 3D when moving over the day with the mouse. This feature can be seen in the recent cool toolbars.

Note that when set to 3-Flat button style the SelAttribute property settings will not be used. Also, when the day buttons are displayed with a 3D effect, the 2- 3D (Reverse) style will automatically be used.



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