ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
MonthRows Property (TDBCalendar)

The MonthRows and MonthCols properties are used to determine the number of calendar months to display in the control. By setting the MonthRows property, calendar months will be added vertically to the control.


TDBCalendar.MonthRows= integer

Read/Write at run time and design time.


1 - 12 (1 is the default)


The spacing between the months that are displayed horizontally, can be set using the MarginHeight property.

The MonthRows property count times MonthCols property count cannot exceed twelve. In other words, the control can display only up to twelve months at once.

If the month columns and the month rows allow more months to be displayed in the control than the maximum and the minimum range specifed, the months out of the range will be drawn using the trailing day attributes.



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