ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
IsDateInStyle Method (TDBHolidayX)


Reference> TDBHolidayX Object> TDBHolidayX Object Methods> IsDateInStyle Method (TDBHolidayX)

IsDateInStyle Method (TDBHolidayX)

The IsDateInStyle method checks to see if the specified date exists in one of the holiday styles. If the specified date is found, the Day object for the querying date is returned in the dayObj variable. The holiday styles to use needs to be defined using the UseStyles property.


object.IsDateInStyle ([Date], Obj, [Type])


The IsDateInStyle method syntax has these parts:

date is an optional variant: the date to check if in holiday style. When not specified, the date in the Value property will be used.

dayObj is a required Day object variable that receives the associated Day object of the specified date.

type is an optional constant If the underlying date refers to multiple styles, you can determine the position to start checking.

Valid settings for the type argument are:


Find first match. (Default)


Find next match

Return Value

True if the specified date was found. False if either the passed-in date was Null or the specified date was not found.

See Also

UseStyles Property (TDBHolidayX)



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