ComponentOne True DBInput Pro 8.0
BtnPositioning Property (TDBNumber)


Reference> TDBNumber Control> TDBNumber Control Properties> BtnPositioning Property (TDBNumber)

BtnPositioning Property (TDBNumber)

This property allows you to set the position of the spin and the drop-down buttons, when both buttons happen to be positioned inside or outside of the control area together.


control.BtnPositioning= value

Read/Write at run time and design time.


Design Time

Run Time

0 - Spin On Left


1 - Spin On Right (Default)



When set to 0 - Spin On Left, the spin button displays on the left side of the drop-down button. When set to 1 - Spin On Right, the spin button displays on the right side of the drop-down button.

See Also

Spin object properties

DropDown object properties



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