ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8
WrapCellPointer Property

This property determines the behavior of the arrow keys if AllowArrows is True.


TDBGrid.WrapCellPointer= boolean


Read/Write at run time and design time.

If True, the cell pointer will wrap from the last column to the first in the next row (or from the first column to the last in the previous row).

If False (the default), the cell pointer will not wrap to the next (or previous) row, but will stop at the last (or first) column of the current row.

If TabAcrossSplits is False, the cell pointer will wrap only within the current split. If TabAcrossSplits is True, the cell pointer will move from one split to the next before wrapping occurs.

If TabAction is set to 2 - Grid Navigation, the tab key will behave like the arrow keys, and will automatically wrap to the next or previous cell.

See Also

TDBGrid Control



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