ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8

If you have projects which use versions of True DBGrid other than True DBGrid Pro 8.0, you can easily convert them to use True DBGrid Pro 8.0 by running the add-in migration utility.

The True DBGrid Pro 8.0 Migration Utility is copied to your system during installation. A single add-in is provided for both Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0. To activate the add-in within the design-time environment, follow these instructions:

After you have added the True DBGrid Pro 8.0 Migration Utility to the list of available add-ins, follow these steps to convert your projects:

If the conversion succeeds, a message box will appear to inform you that "The current project was converted successfully." To avoid conflict, the migration utility also removes the From control from the Visual Basic Toolbox.

Please note that the migration utility may also need to modify your source code. Whenever source code is modified, the original code will be commented out and the modification will be tagged with the following comment:

Example Title
Copy Code
*** ComponentOne Migration Utility Code Change ***



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