ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8
Text Property (TDBDropDown)

Sets or returns displayed cell text for the current row.


object.Text= string


Read/Write at run time. Not available at design time.

This is the default property of the TDBGrid and TDBDropDown controls.

When applied to a Column object, this property returns or sets the formatted data value in a column for the current row.

The value returned by the Text property is derived from the underlying data value by applying the formatting as specified by the NumberFormat property of the Column object.

When the Text property is set for a formatted column, the underlying data value cannot be derived, and the Text and Value properties will subsequently return the same result.

Use the Value property to access the underlying data value in a column for the current row.

When applied to a TDBGrid or TDBDropDown control, this property returns or sets the text of the current cell. If the current cell is at EOF or BOF, an empty string is returned.

See Also

TDBGrid Control

TDBDropDown Control

Column Object



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