ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8
PartialRightColumn Property (TDBDropDown)

This property determines whether the rightmost column of a grid or split is clipped to the object's right edge when it is scrolled into view but cannot be displayed in its entirety.


object.PartialRightColumn= boolean


Read/Write at run time and design time.

If True (the default), the rightmost column will be clipped if the grid or split is not wide enough to accommodate the entire column.

If False, the rightmost column will not be clipped while other columns are visible. In this case, the rightmost column must be scrolled into view as the only visible column in the grid or split.

If a grid contains multiple splits, then setting its PartialRightColumn property has the same effect as setting the PartialRightColumn property of each split individually.

See Also

TDBGrid Control

TDBDropDown Control

Split Object



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