ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8
OLEDragMode Property

This property returns or sets a value that indicates whether the grid or the programmer handles an OLE drag/drop operation.


TDBGrid.OLEDragMode= value


Design Time

Run Time

0 - Manual (default)


1 - Automatic



Read/Write at run time and design time.

When OLEDragMode is set to the default value of 0 - Manual, you must call the OLEDrag method to start dragging, which then triggers the OLEStartDrag event.

When OLEDragMode is set to 1 - Automatic, the grid fills the DataObject parameter with data and sets the Effects parameter before initiating the OLEStartDrag event (as well as the OLESetData and other source-level OLE drag/drop events) when the user attempts to drag out of the grid.

See Also

TDBGrid Control



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