ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8
MarqueeStyle Property

This property determines how the current row and cell are highlighted within a grid or split.


object.MarqueeStyle= value


Design Time

Run Time

0 - Dotted Cell Border


1 - Solid Cell Border


2 - Highlight Cell


3 - Highlight Row


4 - Highlight Row, Raise Cell


5 - No Marquee


6 - Floating Editor (default)


7 - Dotted Row Border



Read/Write at run time and design time.

There are seven possible values for this property:

0 - Dotted Cell Border

The current cell within the current row will be highlighted by drawing a dotted border around the cell. In Microsoft Windows terminology, this is usually called a focus rectangle.

1 - Solid Cell Border

The current cell within the current row will be highlighted by drawing a solid box around the current cell. This is more visible than the dotted cell border, especially when 3-D divider properties are used for the grid.

2 - Highlight Cell

The entire current cell will be drawn using the attributes of the HighlightRowStyle property. This provides a very distinctive block-style highlight for the current cell.

3 - Highlight Row

The entire row containing the current cell will be drawn using the attributes of the HighlightRowStyle property. In this mode, it is not possible to visually determine which cell is the current cell, only the current row. When the grid or split is not editable, this setting is often preferred, since cell position is then irrelevant.

4 - Highlight Row, Raise Cell

The entire row will be highlighted as in setting 3, but the current cell within the row will be "raised" so that it appears distinctive. This setting doesn't appear clearly with all background color and divider settings. The best effect is achieved by using 3-D dividers and a light gray background.

5 - No Marquee

The marquee will not be shown. This setting is useful for cases where the current row is irrelevant, or where you don't want to draw the user's attention to the grid until necessary.

6 - Floating Editor

The current cell will be highlighted by a floating text editor window with a blinking caret (as in Microsoft Access). This is the default setting.

7 - Dotted Row Border

The entire current row will be highlighted by drawing a dotted border around it. This effect is similar to setting 0.

If a grid contains multiple splits, then setting its MarqueeStyle property has the same effect as setting the MarqueeStyle property of each split individually.


If the floating editor marquee setting is in effect and the current cell contains radio buttons or graphics, then a dotted focus rectangle will be displayed.

See Also

TDBGrid Control

Split Object



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