ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8
LayoutFileName Property (TDBDropDown)

This property sets or returns the string containing the filename used to save and retrieve grid layouts.


object.LayoutFileName = string


Read/Write at run time and design time.

Setting this property alone has no effect on the grid layout; the property value is used by the LoadLayout method of the grid and the Add and Remove methods of the Layouts collection.

You can create grid layout files at design time by setting the LayoutFileName and LayoutName properties and using the layout commands on the grid's visual editing menu.

At design time, if you first set the LayoutFileName property to a valid filename in which grid layouts are stored, you can then choose the LayoutName property from a drop-down list of layout names stored in the specified layout file.


If the LayoutFileName property is nonempty, it takes precedence over LayoutURL, and asynchronous downloading will not occur.

See Also

TDBGrid Control

TDBDropDown Control



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