ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8
ForegroundPicture Property

This property sets or returns the foreground bitmap of a style object.


style.ForegroundPicture= variant


Read/Write at run time and design time.

If a style has no foreground bitmap, then this property returns a null variant.

You can change a style's foreground bitmap at design time using the Style Factory property page. Or, you can assign a bitmap to the ForegroundPicture property in code at run time:

TDBGrid1.HeadingStyle.ForegroundPicture = LoadPicture("bell.bmp")


Use the ForegroundPicturePosition property to control the placement of the bitmap relative to the cell or heading text when the style is applied to an object. Use the TransparentForegroundPicture property to specify a background mask.

See Also

Style Object



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