ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8
ExtendRightColumn Property (TDBDropDown)

This property allows the rightmost column of a grid or split to extend to the object's right edge, provided that the object can accommodate all of the visible columns.


object.ExtendRightColumn= boolean


Read/Write at run time and design time.

If True, the last column will extend to the end of the grid or split.

If False (the default), the area between the last column and the end of the grid or split will be filled using the system 3D Objects color (or the system Button Face color) as determined by your Control Panel settings.

If a grid contains multiple splits, then setting its ExtendRightColumn property has the same effect as setting the ExtendRightColumn property of each split individually.


This property now works even when the horizontal scroll bar is present. Prior to version 5.0, if a grid or split could not accommodate all of the visible columns, then setting this property to True had no effect.



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