ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8
DefColWidth Property (TDBDropDown)

This property returns or sets the default width for all grid columns in terms of the coordinate system of the grid's container.


object.DefColWidth= single


Read/Write at run time and design time.

For bound grids, the DefColWidth property is respected under the following circumstances:

For unbound grids, the DefColWidth property is only respected when a new column is created at run time.

If you set the DefColWidth property to 0, the grid automatically sizes all columns based on either the width of the column heading or the display width of the underlying field, whichever is larger. For example, to set the default column width to the width of the first column:

TDBGrid1.DefColWidth = TDBGrid1.Columns(0).Width


Setting the DefColWidth property at run time does not affect existing columns, only those that are subsequently created in code.

In bound mode, some data sources do not provide text field widths when requested by the grid. Therefore, if DefColWidth is 0, the actual column widths may not be what you expect since the grid must supply a default width.



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