ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8
BackgroundPictureDrawMode Property

BackgroundPictureDrawMode Property

This property determines how a style's background bitmap is displayed when the style is applied to a data cell, header, footer, or caption bar.


style.BackgroundPictureDrawMode= value


Design Time

Run Time

0 - Center (default)


1 - Tile


2 - Stretch



Read/Write at run time and design time.

If set to 0 - Center (the default), the background bitmap is centered within the object to which the style is applied.

If set to 1 - Tile, the background bitmap is drawn repeatedly, starting at the upper left corner of the object, until the entire area is filled.

If set to 2 - Stretch, the bitmap displayed is resized to fit the area occupied by the object. The original bitmap is not altered.


Use the BackgroundPicture property to specify a background bitmap for a style.



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