ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8
Appearance Property (TDBDropDown)

Controls 3-D display of headings, caption, record selectors.


object.Appearance= value


Design Time

Run Time

0 - Flat


1 - 3D (default)


2 - 3D Track


3 - XP Theme



Read/Write at run time and design time.

When this property is set to 1 - 3D, the control paints its caption bars, column headings, column footings, and record selectors with three-dimensional effects.

When this property is set to 0 - Flat, no visual effects are used.

When this property is set to 2 - 3D Track, the initial state of the control is the same as 0 - Flat.  If the mouse moves over a control element (for example, Column Header) it takes on a 3D appearance for that particular element.

When this property is set to 3 – XP Theme, the grid is displayed using XP theme elements when run on an operating system that supports Themes.  If this property is set and the operating system does not support themes, it renders using the traditional 3D look.

The Appearance property is independent of the BorderStyle and BackColor properties and only affects the control's caption bars, column headings, column footings, record selectors, and scroll bars. The control's data cells, row dividers, and column dividers are not affected.

This property only affects the way in which static elements such as caption bars are drawn; it does not affect their visibility. Use the Caption, ColumnHeaders, ColumnFooters, and RecordSelectors properties to control the visibility of these components.



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