ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8
AllowRowSizing Property (TDBDropDown)

Enables interactive row resizing.


object.AllowRowSizing= boolean


Read/Write at run time.  Read/Write at design time (TDBDropDown, Split). Read-only at design time (TDBGrid).

If the AllowRowSizing property is True, the mouse pointer turns into a double-headed arrow when positioned over the row divider in the RecordSelectors column between any pair of record selectors in the grid.  For a TDBDropDown control, the mouse cursor must be moved over a row divider at the left edge of the control (where the RecordSelectors would be if they were present).  In either case, the user can interactively resize the rows by dragging the mouse while the double-headed arrow cursor is showing.  Any change in row size causes a RowResize event to fire.

If the AllowRowSizing property is False, the user cannot interactively resize rows.

All rows of the TDBGrid control are always the same height, which is determined by the RowHeight property.

The default value of the property is True for the TDBGrid control and Split object, False for the TDBDropDown control.


RecordSelectors must be visible in a split in order for the user to resize rows interactively in that split.  If RecordSelectors are disabled for all splits in a TDBGrid control, the user cannot resize rows interactively in that grid. This restriction does not apply to the TDBDropDown control.



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