ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro 8
AllowColMove Property (TDBDropDown)

Enables interactive column movement.


object.AllowColMove= boolean


Read/Write at run time and design time.

If True, the user can move selected columns.

If False (the default), the user cannot move selected columns.

Use the AllowColMove property to control whether the user can move selected columns by dragging the column divider highlight bar to the desired location. Any change in column order causes a ColMove event.

If AllowColMove is set to True, and the DataView property is set to 2 - Group, a grouping area is added to the grid. Columns can be added or dragged to this area at run time, creating a new split for enhanced data display.

See Outlook-Style Grouping for more information.


The AllowColSelect property must also be True in order for the user to move selected columns.



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