ComponentOne True DataControl 8.0
Binding Data-Aware Controls and TDataLite to the Same Standard Data Source

You can bind controls to the same data source that TDataLite1 is bound to:

Example Title
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Set TDataLite1.DataSource = Adodc1

Set DataGrid1.DataSource = Adodc1

In this case, TDataLite works “on the side”, but you still can use most of its features. For example, constraints specified in TDataLite will be enforced. However, data-aware controls are not bound to TDataLite, so they cannot use features requiring direct binding, for example, calculated fields.

In this mode, you can use TDataLite with any data bound controls, not just TDBGrid. For example, you can use it with Microsoft DataGrid and other Microsoft and third-party data bound controls.

ComponentOne controls, such as True DBGrid 8.0, can be bound to TDataLite directly, thus having complete access to all TDataLite features. See Binding data-aware controls to a TDataLite control. If you use True DBGrid 8.0, we recommend binding it directly to TDataLite.

You can also bind controls other than TDBGrid to TDataLite directly; specify TDataLite as their DataSource. But in this case, TDataLite will delegate to the standard data source, so any control other than TDBGrid bound to TDataLite will effectively be bound to the standard data source,  TDataLite.DataSource. Exceptions to this rule are special modes: memory array mode (DataMode = 1 – Memory Array), query mode(QueryMode = True) and pivot mode(Pivot = True). In these modes, TDataLite serves as a fully functional data source, not just to ComponentOne controls, but to any data-aware controls bound to it. It allows you to use these features, memory-stored data, query mode, pivot (OLAP) support, with data-aware controls of your choice.


For all data-aware controls except True DBGrid 8.0, True DataControl Lite can be used only with data sources using client-side cursors (CursorLocation = adUseClient).



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