ComponentOne True DataControl 8.0
Adding True DataControl 8 to a Visual Basic Project

When you install True DataControl 8, the following new components will appear in the Visual Studio’s toolbox customization dialog box:

After you have opened a new or existing project in Visual Basic 6.0, you can add True DataControl 8.0 and True DataControl Lite to the Visual Basic Toolbox by following these instructions:

Adding XArrayDB to a Visual Basic Project

True DataControl uses the ComponentOne XArrayDB object to implement memory-based data sources (if DataMode = 1 – Memory Array). However, your project need not reference XArrayDB explicitly unless you manipulate such objects directly in code.

If you need to include an XArrayDB reference in your project, follow these instructions:

Adding ADO Library to a Visual Basic Project

True DataControl is based on ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), Microsoft object layer over OLE DB. You will most probably need the ADO library in all your projects. True DataControl does not add a reference to the ADO library to your project automatically; you must do it manually, if you need it.

The ADO library (ADODB) is not always necessary for True DataControl, but some True Data events use the ADODB.Error object, which is defined in the ADO library. Also, you need a reference to ADODB if you use constants defined there, such as adLockOptimistic, adOpenStatic, etc.

If you need to include an ADODB reference in your project, follow these instructions:



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