ComponentOne Sizer 8.0
Step 6: Add the pages to the Tab control

Now that we have created the main window and all the tab pages, we need to add the pages to the tab control. To do this, start by opening the main dialog's include file (C1TabTutDlg.h if you selected C1TabTut as the project name) and use the #include statement to bring in the page definitions (make sure you add the #include statements before the #if !defined statement added by the AppWizard).

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// TabOneTutDlg.h : header file



#include "c1tab.h"

#include "c1elastic.h"



#include "TabPage1.h"

#include "TabPage2.h"

#include "TabPage3.h"


#if !defined(AFX_…__INCLUDED_)

#define AFX_…__INCLUDED_


Next, add a member variable for each page in the tab:

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// Implementation


       HICON m_hIcon;


       CTabPage1 m_Page1;

       CTabPage2 m_Page2;

       CTabPage3 m_Page3;


       // Generated message map functions


Now the main dialog class has three pages, which need to be created and added to the tab control. This is done in the OnInitDialog event handler (in the TabOneTutDlg.cpp file).

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BOOL CC1TabTutDlg::OnInitDialog()






       // TODO: Add extra initialization here

       // Create tab pages

       // (in reverse order to get the tab sequence right)

















       return TRUE;  // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control


Code above repeats four steps to each page:

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This statement creates the page. At this point, the page is not visible and it does not belong to the tab control yet.

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This statement tells the m_Elastic control on the page to "adopt" all controls that overlap it. Once the controls become children of the Elastic, they will be resized automatically.
The AdoptChildren function is provided as source code, in the SizerOneUtil.cpp file. You may either include this file in your project or simply copy the implementation into your project. (The function is listed in Appendix I below).

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This statement adds the page to the Tab. Notice that the pages are added in reverse order. If this bothers you, you can add them in any order you want and reposition them using the MoveWindow API).

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This statement makes the page visible.

This is the end of the tutorial. It illustrates the main aspects and techniques involved in using the SizerOne controls in VC++.



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